Nurit's gallery

Nurit Biderman – daughter of a deeply rooted family which is among the founders of Yesod Hama’ala – is a fifth generation Israeli.
Nurit began painting in 1999 as a result of her concern for the wellbeing of her son who was stationed in Lebanon during his army service. Scenery and flowers are the central topics of Nurit’s work. Who would have believed that Nurit Biderman, remembered by hundreds of pupils and parents as a literature teacher, a deputy principal, a principal, lecturer and teachers’ counselor, would become such a talented artist.

The artist Nurit Biderman is a fifth generation Israeli, descended from the Fishel-Solomon family, among the founders of Yesod Hama’ala in the Hula Valley. Nurit worked in the education field for many years as a teacher, educator, teachers’ counselor and school principal. Her success in the education system was commendable. Her many students and friends are amazed by her ability to express herself through her art. This is a new side of her about which they were not aware.
After retiring from the education system Nurit worked as the United Israel Appeal of Canada Galilee Panhandle Representative. She invested great efforts in helping create a Living Bridge between Canadian Jewish communities and the Galilee

The Gallery - Yedos Ha'maala

The Gallery - Yedos Ha'maala

Nurit’s spectacular paintings won over the hearts of Canadian friends, who chose to hang them in their homes, representing a small, authentic view of Israel. Nurit Biderman’s paintings were shown in various exhibitions in Israel such as in Caesarea, where her paintings stood out amongst the other three artists because of her unique, bold colors. Nurit’s paintings were also exhibited at the Cultural Auditorium at Rishon LeZion, where the curator presented her as the most renowned painter of flowers in Israel; and at the Scots Hotel on the banks of the Sea of Galilee (Kinneret), where they were shown for the enjoyment of the visitors. Nurit held a one-woman exhibition at the Kiryat Shmona Cultural Hall, where visitors admired the intensity of her eye-catching paintings. Many visitors to Nurit’s Gallery at Yesod Hama’ala share with her the emotions that her paintings evoke in them; they are extremely moved, and some even burst into tears, overwhelmed by powerful emotions. Some visitors feel that the flowers surrounding them fill their lungs with air and create a feeling of renewal and blossoming. In Nurit’s Gallery Dvarim Yafim (Pretty Things) there is a vast variety of paintings of Galilee scenery and of flowers. Nurit paints on mirrors, stones and tiles, as well as natural and man-made wood. There is a large selection of paintings of various sizes.

“When you enter Nurit Biderman’s home you can almost smell the blossoming in the air. Flowers in a blaze of color look at you from around the Gallery, including some flowers you would have a hard time finding in nature. It is hard to believe that this immense floral wealth emanates from a woman who never learned to hold a paintbrush.” Passage from Idit Schechter-Piel’s book “For the Good Things” published by Yedioth Acharonot